Everything about "Village de l'Emploi"
There are several job offers in the IT world. However, young graduates at the end of their course find it difficult to enter the job market. They are unable to get the jobs due to lack of experience. The status of beginner in reality considerably hinders the professional career. The training employment village is the solution for entering the job market very quickly. The objective of the Village de l’Emploi training center is to support young graduates in acquiring a certain expertise that is essential to meet the requirements of employers and recruiters.

An open door to the job market
The Village de l’Emploi actually designates a team that supports young graduates in gaining professional experience. They are thus able to firmly enter the IT job market. The VDE method is very simple. Experts and employer partners have come together to train and especially place candidates on given assignments. The young people are thus followed for three years. This is a period of initiation into the realities of the computer world. The method has existed since 1998 with 5,400 careers already launched. The Village de l’Emploi has a number of major careers. Solid partnerships are forged with employers who collect young graduates at the end of the training. The winners are more likely to have a senior position in the digital service. Employer partners are nothing other than digital service companies. They believe in the talent of the young participants in the training.
Diversified winners from the village for employment
The graduates of this training are made up of young graduates whether or not they have followed a course related to IT. All candidates without exception receive training in the field of their choice. The specialties available are Assistance to Project Ownership, production and operation of systems, networks and databases, Business Intelligence and New Technologies and Development. Each of the laureates is entitled to theoretical and practical training for months. He spent a stay in an operational and real situation in a company. The majority of trainers come from the IT world. They stand out for their extraordinary knowledge of the field. Apart from their technical and professional skills, they give the winners a very keen view of the world of business. The training employment village is open to candidates holding BAC + 2 to BAC + 5 whether they are computer scientists or not. The support offered is personalized and above all adapted to each winner. All you need is a desire to flourish and a good dose of motivation as well as a taste for challenge to access the Employment Village.

Several possible choices of specialties
The Employment Village is made up of players who promote access to employment in information systems. The specialties employment village develops 5 major training specialties. These are programs which in fact make it possible to complement the university curriculum of all the laureates. They benefit from a real increase in skills in technologies coveted by employers. These specialties are resolutely turned towards practice in the IT professions. The Specialties Employment Village is run by communications experts, technical experts and job search experts. Successful graduates therefore have the necessary keys at the end of their training to access confirmed jobs or positions in IT.

What does the training employment village consist of ?
To develop an IT project, it is undeniable that several professions cooperate. This is what justifies the participation of non-IT specialists in such training. The first steps in managing an IT project are the definition of objectives and the detailed design of the project. You need a fairly rigorous methodology, significant writing skills and especially interpersonal skills. The training is therefore aimed at young people with a bac +2. The training program mainly aims to broaden the skills acquired, to adapt them to the realities of the professional world and to provide lessons on habits and customs. Graduates at the end of the training are operational in any environment. They are able to work at the level of banks, insurance companies, mass distribution, the press and others. During the training, the laureates are called upon to work with several other major project stakeholders. Non-IT specialists are better equipped with the basics. Computer scientists, on the other hand, deepen their knowledge over time. They discover several complementary tools. Communication coaching is the last step in training.

Funding from partner employers
It is the employers who finance the village of specialties employment. Acquiring the expertise offered by the employment village comes at a very high cost. This requires 17,680 euros flat rate not covered by state services. The funds disbursed by the partner employers make it possible to meet the expenses arising from the acquisition and maintenance of the premises of the center, the purchase of computer equipment, tools for participants and the payment of various salaries to trainers.
Partner employers pay for the training of young graduates to have an abundant and skilled workforce on hand. They know that at the end of the training at the Job Village, the learners have operational and competent resources that are essential for companies. Their services for IT services will be significantly improved. The consideration for young people is to engage in this sponsorship to work for 36 months in one of the partner companies. Said duration is the time indicated to return the invested funds. Any winner who resigns along the way reimburses the costs pro rata on the basis of the time not worked. Anyone who does not want to devote themselves to the work offered by the partner company bears the cost.
The advantages of the Employment Village
The first advantage is the transmission of the experience to young graduates. The challenge for this village is to transform young beginners into real consultants. They become proficient and competitive in the job market between two and nine months’ time.
The second advantage is that this is professional training. Each participant is guaranteed to have a solid background in the IT world after 3 years.
The third advantage is that the candidate has all the cards in hand in order to put his career in orbit. He obtains a confirmed expert position with appreciable advantages and a good salary.
This training was very useful for boosting my career! At the end of my L3 English, I did not know which profession to go to and I could only access low-paid odd jobs.